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== Explanation ==
What a pleasure to find soemone who identifies the issues so clearly
Here we just open the modem.
while true do
We start a loop because os.pullEvent() terminates itself after 10 seconds.
event, id, text = os.pullEvent()
We wait for an event to occur and when this happens, we store the event's info into 3 variables.
NOTE: You can give your variables whichever name you want.
if event == "rednet_message" then
We check if the event was a rednet message.
print(id .. "> " .. text)
We print the message and the id of the sender.
We close our previous statements.
Note: From my research, I didn't find a similar article and decided to make one. I hope that someone will improve it.
--[[User:XDot|XDot]] 07:19, 17 April 2012 (UTC)

Revision as of 13:41, 17 July 2012

The following method is a good method of receiving a rednet message without using rednet.receive(). It is usually used in IRC, Chat programs e.t.c. When a message arrives to a computer, a "rednet_message" event occurs.

The Code

This is a typical Listener which prints the content and the sender id of any incoming message.

while true do
  event, id, text = os.pullEvent()
  if event == "rednet_message" then
    print(id .. "> " .. text)

What a pleasure to find soemone who identifies the issues so clearly