From ComputerCraft Wiki
As some tutorials might not be listed here, you can also browse the tutorials category.
Before you begin
It is recommended that you read these pages before you begin working with ComputerCraft.
Basic Tutorials
These tutorials are designed to be used in the order shown, each tutorial will build on the previous ones.
Introduction to Coding
I only had to edit loop.php because that's where the query_string() finotucn was at for my front page.I would check index.php for your query_string() and then continue with my instructions from the video.Hope that helps! Thanks for commenting.
Example Programs
These pages guide you through programs created by other users. They are not necessarily well-coded, but can be useful as a loose guide.
Programming & Wiring
- Guess the Number
- Password Protected Door
- Programming an API
- Running script automatically at boot with Startup
- Detecting specific keys (such as the arrow keys)
- Receiving a rednet message through os.pullEvent()
- Calculator Tutorial
- Rednet Tutorial.
The nice little robots that do the hard work for you.