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ccSensors is a user created peripheral by Yoskaz01, which adds sensors to ComputerCraft. It provides readings from the Minecraft surroundings to lua programs. A reading can be a value a simple as Light level, a isRaining, isDay or as complex as the content of a chest or the temperature of IC2 reactor.

Getting Started

  1. place a Sensor Controller next to a computer
  2. open the sensor Controller GUI and hit the "New" button to register a new freq
  3. place blank transmitter card in the slot and click "Encode Transmitter" to get an encoded transmitter to be used with the remote sensor.
  4. Place a Remote Sensor (can be placed anywhere) and put the transmitter card in the bottom slot. (you can rename the Remote Sensor from the default name "Sensor")
  5. Place a SensorModule card into the top slot.
  6. open the computer terminal and run: /ccSensors/console to run the sample console program. That's it - you now have a working sensor connected to a computer :)

API: sensors

Note: Documentation is ripped from source code. Information is provided "as-is" with no guarntee of accuracy.

Method name Description
getVersion() sensorAPI version
getPeripherals() returns a dict of attached peripherals : SensorController,monitor,modem
getController() return the side the first controller is attached at
rIterator( table ) Intended for internal use only.
tabtodict( table ) Intended for internal use only.
getReadingAsTable( side, sensor, ... ) return sensor reading as a table instead of a dict
setTarget( side, sensor, target ) set the active target for a given sensor
setSensorRange( side, sensor, range ) set the sensor range (as long is < max_sensor_range)
getAvailableReadings( side, sensor ) returns names of all readings available for a given sensor
setActiveReading( side, sensor, reading ) set the active reading to be used when getReading is called
getAvailableTargets( side, sensor ) returns the available targets for a given sensor
getAvailableTargetsforProbe( side, sensor, probe ) UNDOCUMENTED
getAvailableTargetsforProbe2( side, sensor, probe ) UNDOCUMENTED
getProbes( side, sensor ) UNDOCUMENTED
getSensorInfo( side, sensor, ... ) returns the following information for a given sensor: cardType,name,activereading,activereadingid,distance,location,methods,SensorRange
getSensorInfoAsTable( side, sensor, ... ) same as getSensorInfo, except as a table
getReading( side, sensor, ... ) returns sensor reading in a dict of reading,value pairs
getReading2( side, sensor, probe, target, ... ) returns sensor reading in a dict of reading,value pairs
getSensors( side ) returns the names of all connected sensors
getSensorReadingAsDict(side,sensor,target,probe,...) get a reading while setting the target and reading type for a given sensor. returns a dictionary [working]
getSensorReadingAsDict2(side, sensor, probe, target, ...) Alias for getReading2
getSensorReadingAsTable( side, sensor, target, reading, ...) get a reading while setting the target and reading type for a given sensor
getItemInfo(name,content) return item info from an inventory dictionary
getItemsInfo(names,content) returns a dict for each item in the given names table with .dmg and .qty

External links