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Grid Redstone.png  Function rednet.receive
Waits for timeoutSeconds or until another computer sends a message to this computer. (see rednet.broadcast( message ) and rednet.send( receiverID, message ). If a Timeout occurs the return id and message are set to nil. If timeout is nil, waits forever.
To get the id from a computer see os.computerID(), or the id command.
You must be calling this function at the moment a message is sent, or you will miss it. If you need to watch for messages while doing something else at the same time, see Parallel.waitForAny
Syntax rednet.receive(float timeoutSeconds)
Returns senderId, message, distance-to-sender (or nil if using redpower bundled cable instead of a modem)
Part of ComputerCraft
API rednet


Grid paper.png  Example
Waits forever until someone sends a message to this computer and displays it.
senderId, message, distance = rednet.receive()
Output The received message.