Textutils (API)
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Revision as of 17:31, 15 October 2012 by Mrblahblah200 (Talk | contribs)
Text utilities is used to mess around with text easier.
Its functions include:
Method name | Description |
textutils.slowPrint( text , nRate) | Slowly prints the text. Only difference is, it leaves a line after it. |
textutils.slowWrite( text , nRate) | Slowly writes the text. |
textutils.formatTime( time, bTwentyFourHour) | Put a time into it, and it spews it out in a different format. For example:
local nTime = os.time() print(textutils.formatTime( nTime, false )) |
textutils.tabulate( table, table2, so on) | Prints tables in an ordered form. Each table is a row, columns' width is auto-adjusted. |
textutils.pagedTabulate( table, table2, so on) | <no description given> |
textutils.pagedPrint( string, lines-to-print-before-confirmation ) | Prints a string onto the screen, but waiting for confirmation before scrolling down. |
textutils.serialize( t ) | Returns a string representation of the table t for storage or transmission. |
textutils.unserialize( s ) | Returns a table reassembled from the string s. |
textutils.urlEncode( str ) | Makes a string safe to encode into an url. [[1]]. |