Disk Drive

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Revision as of 15:55, 3 June 2014 by Apemanzilla (Talk | contribs)

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Grid workbench.png   Disk Drive
Iso DiskDrive.png
Item ID 4094
Damage Value Un-used.
Peripheral? Yes- Disk (API)

The Disk Drive arrived with the ComputerCraft 1.2 update and with that also came Floppy Disks. The Disk Drive is an object that, when placed adjacently but not diagonally next to a computer, does the same as a disk drive for real computers in the real world would do: they allow the access to portable data storage devices (Floppy Disks). Since the ComputerCraft 1.6 update, both types of Pocket Computers can also be inserted into disk drives, allowing access to their files.













A 2x2 Monitor, connected to a Computer, with a Disk Drive connected.
GUI of the Disk Drive

To use a disk drive, place it adjacently but not diagonally next to a computer (left, right, top, bottom, front, or back side). Insert a disk by right-clicking on the disk drive and placing the disk in the slot above the inventory.

If you sneak and right click the disk drive with a disk/music disc in 1.4+ it will place it into it without needing to open the disk drives interface.

In ComputerCraft 1.6 and above, Pocket Computers can also be inserted into a disk drive to browse their files.


See Disk (API) for the disk API.

Grid Redstone.pngComputerCraft Blocks and Items
Grid paper.png  Blocks
 Iso Computer.png  Computer Iso Advanced Computer.png  Advanced Computer Iso Command Computer.png  Command Computer Iso DiskDrive.png  Disk Drive
 Iso Monitor.png  Monitor Iso Advanced Monitor.png  Advanced Monitor Iso Printer.png  Printer Grid turtle.png  Turtle
 Grid Modem.png  Wireless Modem Grid Ender Modem.png  Ender Modem Grid Wired Modem.png  Wired Modem Grid Networking Cable.png  Networking Cable
Grid paper.png  Items
 Grid Pocket Computer.png  Pocket Computer Grid Advanced Pocket Computer.png  Advanced Pocket Computer Grid disk.png  Floppy Disk Grid printed page.png  Printed Page
 Grid printed pages.png  Printed Pages Grid printed book .png  Printed Book