Vector (API)

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Revision as of 09:34, 21 April 2012 by (Talk) (the vector methods now use the correct self call syntax)

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The vector API provides methods to create and manipulate vectors.

Static methods
Method name Description, y, z) Creates a vector.

@param x, y, z the vector coordinates
@return the created vector

Object methods
Method name Description
vectorA:add(vectorB) Adds vectorB to vectorA and returns the resulted vector.
vectorA:sub(vectorB) Subtracts vectorB to vectorA and returns the resulted vector.
vectorA:mul(vectorB) Multiplies vectorB with vectorA and returns the resulted vector.
vectorA:dot(vectorB) Returns the dot product of vectorA and vectorB.
vectorA:cross(vectorB) Returns the vector which resulted in the cross product of vectorA and vectorB.
vectorA:length() Returns the vector's length.
vectorA:normalize() Normalizes the vector and returns the result as a new vector.
vectorA:round() Rounds the vector coordinates to the nearest integers and returns the result as a new vector.
vectorA:tostring() Returns a string representation of the vector in the form of "x,y,z".