From ComputerCraft Wiki
The HTTP API allows interfacing with websites and downloading from them.
Methods provided by the HTTP API:
- http.request( url ) OR http.request { header_table }
- http.get( url )
- url, data ) OR { header_table }
The HTTP API must be enabled in mod_ComputerCraft.cfg before being used. To enable it open .minecraft/config/mod_ComputerCraft.cfg and change enableAPI_http=0 to enableAPI_http=1.
A period of time after a http.request() call is made, a "http_success" or "http_failure" event will be raised to os.pullEvent(). Arguments are the URL and a file handle if successful. http.get() blocks until this event is fired.
header_table format
(Source: ) Note the {} braces.
http.get{ url = string, headers = header-table, user = string, password = string, stay = bool, }{ url = string, headers = header-table, body = string, user = string, password = string, stay = bool, } http.request{ method = string, url = string, headers = header-table, body = string, user = string, password = string, stay = string, }