Peripheral (API)
From ComputerCraft Wiki
The peripheral API is for interacting with external peripherals, such as the disk drive and monitor.
Method name | Description |
peripheral.isPresent( side ) | Returns true if a peripheral is present on side. |
peripheral.getType( side ) | Returns the type or peripheral present on side, nothing returned if side is empty. |
peripheral.getMethods( side ) | Returns a table containing all methods for peripheral on side. | side, methodName, param1, param2, ... ) | Sends a function call to peripheral located on side. Return values match those of called method. Note: methodName is a string. |
peripheral.wrap( side ) | Returns a handle to the peripheral located on side. If assigned to a variable, it can be used to call all methods available, as if calling, e.g.: fdd = peripheral.wrap("left") |
When new peripherals are added and removed from the computer, the events peripheral and peripheral_detach will fire, with the side as a parameter. Consoles and Turtles are also considered peripherals and you can interface two adjacent computers, although in a more limited fashion, compared to with rednet. Both Computers and Turtles provide the same methods: turnOn, shutdown, reboot, getID.