Textutils (API)
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The Textutils API is used to format and manipulate strings easily.
Method Name | Description |
textutils.slowWrite(string text, int rate) | Writes string text at current cursor position, character-by-character. Number argument rate is optional and is defaulted to 20. The higher the value of rate, the faster text is written (passing a value of 1 writes one character per second). |
textutils.slowPrint(string text, int rate) | Prints string text at current cursor position, character-by-character. Number argument rate is optional and is defaulted to 20. The higher the value of rate, the faster text is printed (passing a value of 1 prints one character per second). This function also prints a newline. |
textutils.formatTime(int time, boolean TwentyFourHour) | Takes input time and formats it in a more readable format. If second value is true, returns time in military time; if second value is false, returns time with AM or PM. Example: print(textutils.formatTime(os.time(), false))—os.time() returns MineCraft time. |
textutils.tabulate(table table, table table2, ...) | Prints tables in an ordered form. Each table is a row, the column width is auto-adjusted. |
textutils.pagedTabulate(table table, table table2, ...) | Prints tables in an ordered form, like textutils.tabulate. However, it waits for confirmation before scrolling down. |
textutils.pagedPrint(string text, string confirmation_lines) | Prints string text onto the screen, but waits for confirmation before scrolling down. |
textutils.serialize(table table) | Returns a string representation of the table table for storage or transmission. |
textutils.unserialize(string text) | Returns a table reassembled from string text. |
textutils.urlEncode(string text) | Makes a string safe to encode into a url. Spaces are replaced with +s. Unsafe characters such as '\', '£' and '}' are translated into ASCII code and preceded with a % for transmission. For reference visit: [1]. |