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I'm looking for an app so that my step-son can drill hmieslf and your app looks like it will do the business. A few things that would be helpful He has particular difficulty with the 7,8 and 9 times table and it would be good if we could target the tests to weight these ones a bit higher than the rest.or failing that put the tt score on the drill test.[]Darren Yates Reply:February 23rd, 2010 at 12:16 pmHi Darren,I'm about to make some minor modifications to TimesTables in the next couple of weeks or so.One of the things will be to allow you to choose specific tables. However, I don't think I can make it so these results go into the leaderboard of results. It will become to confusing to rate different table combinations against each other to do that.Cheers,Darren.[]