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Welcome to the ComputerCraft Wiki!
427 pages since January 27th, 2012

Iso Computer.png  What is ComputerCraft?

ComputerCraft is a mod created for Minecraft that adds Computers, Monitors, Modems, Turtles and more! All devices are programmed with the easy to learn Lua programming language. You can use Redstone and even RedPower alongside with your devices for the best experience.

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ComputerCraft News

Grid Redstone.png
Download ComputerCraft!

Grid chest.png  Wiki Contents

Download ComputerCraft Tutorial List Recipe List Program List Changelog
Notable Programs API List Peripherals & Addons Operating Systems Wiki Todo

Grid diamond pickaxe.png  Latest Version

ComputerCraft 1.79 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (download)
ComputerCraft 1.78 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (download)
ComputerCraft 1.76 for Minecraft 1.8 (download)
ComputerCraft 1.75 for Minecraft 1.7.10 (download)
ComputerCraft 1.74 for Minecraft 1.7.10 (download)
ComputerCraft 1.73 for Minecraft 1.7.10 (download)

Grid disk.png  Examples

Some examples of the many powerful uses of ComputerCraft are:

Password locks for doors without complicated redstone Making a user control system for computer users
The use of Turtles to mine Piston doors
Using Computers as a jukebox Using a Computer to control your TNT Cannons
Computer-Powered Adventure Maps Using a Computer outfitted with Minepedia for Minecraft help in-game
Epic games and RPG's Make a turtle dance
...and much, much more!

Grid paper.png  ComputerCraft History

April 1, 2016

  • ComputerCraft 1.79 is released for Minecraft 1.8.9.

January 15, 2016

  • ComputerCraft 1.77 - 1.78 is released for Minecraft 1.8.9.

December 24, 2015

  • ComputerCraft 1.76 is released for Minecraft 1.8.

December 4, 2015

  • ComputerCraft 1.75 is released as a final bug fix update for Minecraft 1.7.10.

Grid workbench.png  Getting started with ComputerCraft

Ready? Let's get started!

Grid Modem.png  Recent Images

An advanced program running in a computer. A 2x2 Monitor, next to a Computer and a Disk Drive. A turtle-powered Cobble Generator. A image when a computer is turned on. A lot of computers side by side.