Disk eject (event)

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Revision as of 17:41, 11 April 2013 by Smiley43210 (Talk | contribs) (Added an example with basic usage)

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Grid Modem.png  Event disk_eject
Fired when a Floppy Disk is removed from any connected (directly adjacent) disk drive.
Returned Object 1 The String value of the side of the Disk Drive.

Grid paper.png  Example
Notifies the user when a Floppy Disk is removed from an adjacent Disk Drive. Press and hold Ctrl + T to terminate the program.
for e, p1 in os.pullEvent("disk_eject") do -- Each time the "disk_eject" event is fired, run the following code
  print("A disk was ejected from the disk drive on the following side: " .. p1)
Output Prints a message each time the "disk_eject" event is fired. It displays the side where the Disk Drive whose disk was ejected is located.