
From ComputerCraft Wiki
Revision as of 08:26, 17 February 2015 by MKlegoman357 (Talk | contribs) (Removed misinformation. commands.exec/execAsync only allows to pass one string: the command. Only commands.<command>() where <command> is an actual MC command allows multiple parameters, including numbers and tables)

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Grid Redstone.png  Function commands.exec
Available only to Command Computers, executes the specified MineCraft command, yields until the result is determined, then returns it. If command executes successfully then it returns true, otherwise returns false + an error message. Compare commands.execAsync, which ignores the result and returns immediately, without yielding.

Most commands returned by commands.list() are also available as functions, such that commands.exec(command) could also be written as commands.command(par1, par2, ...) - eg, commands.exec("msg @p Hello world!") becomes commands.msg("@p Hello world!").
Syntax commands.exec(string command)
Returns boolean success [, string error]
Part of ComputerCraft
API commands


Grid paper.png  Example
Says 'Hello' to the player, closest to the Command Computer.
commands.exec( "say @p Hello" )

Grid paper.png  Example
Checks if there are any players around the Command Computer in 2 block radius.
local radius = 2
local arePlayersAround = commands.exec( "testfor @a[r=" .. radius .. "]")

if arePlayersAround then
  print( "There is one or more players around me." )
  print( "There are no players around me." )

Grid disk.png Commands API Functions
commands.exec - commands.execAsync - commands.list - commands.getBlockPosition - commands.getBlockInfo - commands.getBlockInfos