User:Oddstr13/Sandbox/Code higlight
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> sSide = "front" redstone.setBundledOutput(sSide, -- enable one color (black) and disable all others sleep(2) -- chill out for two seconds redstone.setBundledOutput(sSide, colors.white) -- enable white and disable all others sleep(2) redstone.setBundledOutput(sSide,colors.combine(redstone.getBundledOutput(sSide),colors.brown)) -- ^ combine last input with new input, in this case white is mixed with brown, making those two colors enabled. sleep(2) redstone.setBundledOutput(sSide, 0) -- disable all output sleep(2) redstone.setBundledOutput(sSide, colors.combine(colors.white, -- enable both black and white wires. sleep(2) redstone.setBundledOutput(sSide,colors.subtract(redstone.getBundledOutput(sSide), -- ^ disable the black wire but keep all other wires enabled, in this case it disables the black wire but keeps the white wire enabled from the last command. </syntaxhighlight>