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Revision as of 07:06, 4 August 2020 by Magiczocker (Talk | contribs)
Function commands.exec | |
Available only to Command Computers, executes the specified Minecraft command, yields until the result is determined, then returns it. If command executes successfully then it returns true + the output of the command as a numerically-indexed table, otherwise returns false + an error message as as a numerically-indexed table. Compare commands.execAsync, which ignores the result and returns immediately, without yielding.
| |
Syntax | commands.exec(string command) |
Returns | boolean success, table output |
Part of | ComputerCraft |
API | commands |
Example | |
Says 'Hello' to the player, closest to the Command Computer. | |
Code |
commands.exec( "say @p Hello" ) |
Example | |
Checks if there are any players around the Command Computer in 2 block radius. | |
Code |
local radius = 2 local arePlayersAround = commands.exec( "testfor @a[r=" .. radius .. "]") if arePlayersAround then print( "There is one or more players around me." ) else print( "There are no players around me." ) end |
Example | |
Prints the output after running the command "help". Requires ComputerCraft 1.71+. | |
Code |
local success, output = commands.exec( "help" ) if success then print( textutils.serialize( output ) ) end |
Output | Example output:
{ "--- Showing help page 1 of 5 (/help <page>) ---", "/achievement give <stat_name> [player]", "/clear <player> [item] [data]", "/defaultgamemode <mode>", "/difficulty <new difficulty>", "/effect <player> <effect> [seconds] [amplifier]", "/enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]", "Use /forge <subcommand>. Subcommands are tps, track", } |
Commands API Functions |
commands.exec - commands.execAsync - commands.list - commands.getBlockPosition - commands.getBlockInfo - commands.getBlockInfos |