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CCLights2 is an Open Source Minecraft mod that adds a GPU peripheral, and monitors to suit your need. Unlike CCGPU, this mod does not use OpenGL, but it is Multiplayer Compatible.

Please note; this documentation will always try to stay up to date with the github repo, so it might not fit your build :P

Grid disk.png  CCLights2 Peripherals
Name Description
GPU Peripheral

The GPU Peripheral needs to be placed next to a computer. It will autoconnect with the first monitor that connects with it, and will auto disconnect when the monitor detaches.

iron ingot


Gold Ingot

iron ingot

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

iron ingot


Gold Ingot

CCLights2 GPU

Grid disk.png  CCLights2 Monitors and ram
Name Description
Normal Monitor

The basic Monitor. It sports an elegant resolution of 256x144.

iron ingot


Gold Ingot

iron ingot

glass pane

Gold Ingot

iron ingot


Gold Ingot

CCLights2 Monitor

External Monitor

An external Monitor. It supports a resolution up to 512x288.

glass pane

glass pane

glass pane

glass pane

CCLights2 Monitor

glass pane

glass pane

glass pane

glass pane

CCLights2 External Monitor


The basestation for the tablet, CONNECT YOUR TABLETS HERE!



CCLights2 Monitor



CCLights2 TabletTransciever


Yep. You can craft more Ram.

iron ingot


Gold Ingot

iron ingot

Gold Ingot

iron ingot


Gold Ingot

CCLights2 Ram


Yep. You can craft more Ram... with ram! (double the capacity up to a maximum of 8k!)

CCLights2 Ram

CCLights2 Ram

CCLights2 Ram


Hold it in your hand! Go caving! Watch your life leech away as you stare into this tablet! NOTE: Watch out for Creepers.

Gold Ingot


Gold Ingot

iron ingot

CCLights2 External Monitor

iron ingot

Gold Ingot


Gold Ingot

CCLights2 Tablet

Grid disk.png  GPU Methods
Returns Method Name Description
nil gpu.fill() Fills the current binded texture with the GPU color. NOTE: This method will fully replace the contents of the texture.
number textureid gpu.createTexture(number width, number height) Creates a texture and returns the texture id. This function will error if there is no more room for the texture.
number freememory gpu.getFreeMemory() Returns the amount of free memory that the GPU has to use. This can be expanded by right clicking the GPU with RAM.
number totalmemory gpu.getTotalMemory() Returns the amount of memory that the GPU has. This can be expanded by right clicking the GPU with RAM.
number usedmemory gpu.getUsedMemory() Returns the amount of memory that the GPU is using. This value is changed by allocating textures with gpu.createTexture and freeing textures with gpu.freeTexture.
nil gpu.bindTexture(number textureid) Bind the texture at textureid, this method will error if invalid values are used. Texture 0 is the screen.
nil gpu.plot(number x, number y) Sets the pixel on x,y to the the GPU's current color. (Remember, all drawing command work on the current binded texture)
nil gpu.drawTexture(number textureid, number x, number y[, number startX, number startY, number width, number height]) Draws the texture textureid to x and y, and if startX, startY, width, and height is defined, it will render only that area of the texture. (Remember: You can render the texture to itself)
nil gpu.freeTexture(number textureid) Frees the texture defined by textureid
nil gpu.line(number x0, number y0, number x1, number y1) Draws a line from x0 and y0 to x1 and y1.
number width, number height gpu.getSize([ number textureid]) Returns the texture size of textureid or the current binded texture. Using texture 0 will give you the screen size.
number red, number green, number blue, number alpha gpu.getPixels(number x, number y) Returns the color of the pixel in the currently binded texture. Out of bound pixels have an undefined side effect.
nil gpu.rectangle(number x, number y, number width, number height) Draws the outline of a rectangle from x, y to x+width, y+height.
nil gpu.filledRectangle(number x, number y, number width, number height) Draws a filled rectangle from x, y to x+width, y+height.
nil gpu.setColor(number red, number green, number blue[, number alpha]) Sets the GPU's current drawing color
number slot gpu.getBindedTexture() Gets the GPU's currently binded texture
nil gpu.setPixels(number width, number height, number x, number y,number red,number green,number blue,...) takes an array and writes each pixel to the image. this method is accelerated by java and is faster than multiple gpu.plot calls.
nil gpu.flipTextureV() flips the texture vertically
numberTextureID, numberWidth, numberHeight gpu.import(string imagestoredinCC) decodes an imagefile and makes it ready for texture binding.
string filedata gpu.export(number textureid, string file format) encodes an imagefile and makes it ready for saving.
nil gpu.drawText(string text to write, number x,number y) writes text from pixel x,y
number textWidth gpu.getTextWidth() Gets Text width
nil gpu.setColor(number red,number green,number blue, optional; number alpha) Sets the GPU's current color
number red, number green, number blue, number alpha gpu.getColor() Gets the GPU's current color
nil gpu.translate(number x,number y) translates the texture in two dimensions
nil gpu.rotate(number degrees) rotates the texture in two dimensions
nil gpu.rotateAround(number degrees,number x,number y) rotates the texture around pixel x,y
nil gpu.scale(number x-axis size,number y-axis size) scales the texture to specs
nil gpu.push() store transformation commands from here on and push them to the storestack
nil gpu.pop() process stored transformation input
table gpu.getMonitor().getResolution() Get the monitor resolution w/h
nil gpu.blur(number blur amount) makes the texture blurry
nil gpu.startFrame() Starts a new frame (use this if you plan to draw large amounts of data)
nil gpu.endFrame() ends the frame (ends the frame and sends the data, use this if you plan to draw large amounts of data)
nil gpu.clearRect(number x, number y, number width, number height) Clear rectangle entirely to alpha 255
nil gpu.origin() Reset RenderPoint with affline transform
Grid disk.png  Events
Returns EventName Description
button,x,y, player monitor_move The player dragged the mouse while holding in a button
button,x,y,player monitor_down The player began a click on the monitor
button,x,y,player monitor_up The player stopped a click on the monitor
button,x,y,player monitor_down The player began a click on the monitor
string char char The player typed a character
string key key The player mashed the keyboard
table of imagedata, importable tablet_image The player took a picture with the tablet