From ComputerCraft Wiki
Function commands.execAsync | |
Available only to Command Computers, executes the specified command, but doesn't yield. A "task_complete" event will be queued after the command is executed. You can use the taskID returned by this function to identify the "task_complete" event, should you wish to pull it. Compare commands.exec, which automatically yields until this event is thrown, then catches it and returns the results.
As this function allows huge amounts of commands to be requested in a very short time, no more than 1000 orders will be processed per server tick (the rest being queued until the next tick, and so on). Accepts multiple parameters, in much the same manner as print, so long as they can all be serialised into one string. For example, commands.execAsync("setblock 0 70 0 minecraft:stone 0") is treated the same as commands.execAsync("setblock", 0, 70, 0, "minecraft:stone", 0). If one of the parameters is a table, it will be automatically textutils.serializeJSON()'d (handy for dynamically generating NBT representations). | |
Syntax | commands.execAsync(string command) |
Returns | number taskID |
Part of | ComputerCraft |
API | commands |
Example | |
Says 'Hello' to the player, closest to the Command Computer. | |
Code |
commands.execAsync( "say @p Hello" ) |
Example | |
Checks if there are any players around the Command Computer in 2 block radius. | |
Code |
local radius = 2 local taskID = commands.execAsync( "testfor @a[r=" .. radius .. "]") local arePlayersAround repeat local event, id, success, executed, error = os.pullEvent( "task_complete" ) arePlayersAround = success and executed until id == taskID if arePlayersAround then print( "There is one or more players around me." ) else print( "There are no players around me." ) end |
Commands API Functions |
commands.exec - commands.execAsync - commands.list - commands.getBlockPosition - commands.getBlockInfo - commands.getBlockInfos |