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Grid Redstone.png  Function commands.execAsync
Available only to Command Computers, executes the specified command, but doesn't yield. Queues a "task_complete" event after the command is executed. You can use the taskID returned by this function to identify the "task_complete" event.
Syntax commands.execAsync(string command)
Returns number taskID
Part of ComputerCraft
API commands


Grid paper.png  Example
Says 'Hello' to the player, closest to the Command Computer.
commands.execAsync( "say @p Hello" )

Grid paper.png  Example
Checks if there are any players around the Command Computer in 2 block radius.
local radius = 2
local taskID = commands.execAync( "testfor @a[r=" .. radius .. "]")

local arePlayersAround
  local event, id, success, executed, error = os.pullEvent( "task_complete" )
  arePlayersAround = success and executed
until id == taskID

if arePlayersAround then
  print( "There is one or more players around me." )
  print( "There are no players around me." )

Grid disk.png Commands API Functions
commands.exec - commands.execAsync - commands.list - commands.getBlockPosition - commands.getBlockInfo - commands.getBlockInfos