mouse click (event)

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Grid Modem.png  Event mouse_click
Fired when the terminal of an advanced system is clicked. Unavailable to normal systems, as these lack mouse support (except via attached Advanced Monitors, which grant access to the monitor_touch event).
Returned Object 1 The mouse button that was clicked. Left Mouse Button is returned as the number 1, and Right Mouse Button is returned as the number 2
Returned Object 2 The X-coordinate of the click (in screen-characters).
Returned Object 3 The Y-coordinate of the click (in screen-characters).


Grid paper.png  Example
Print the button and the co-ordinates of every mouse click we receive a mouse_click event.
while true do
  local event, button, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  print("Mouse button clicked: ", button, " => Click Position X: ", xPos, " => Click Position Y: ", yPos)
Output The button that was pressed, followed by the X and Y position of the event.