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The HTTP API must be enabled in ComputerCraft.cfg before being used. To enable it see this tutorial.

The HTTP API allows interfacing with websites and downloading from them.

Grid disk.png  HTTP (API)
Function Return values Description
http.request(string url [, string postData [, table headers]]) nil Sends a HTTP request to a website, asynchronously.
http.get(string url [, table headers]) table handle Sends a HTTP GET request to a website, synchronously. url, string postData [, table headers]) table handle Sends a HTTP POST request to a website, synchronously.

http.request is used to send a HTTP request that completes asynchronously and generates an event (one of http_success or http_failure). http.get and execute http.request and block until the operation completes.


All three operations make use of handles, tables that contain functions to read data returned from the HTTP server. These handles act the same as the I/O handles returned by in read-only text mode, implementing the close, readLine, and readAll methods. These handles also implement the following function:

Grid Redstone.png  Function h.getResponseCode
Returns the numerical HTTP response code sent by the server
Syntax h.getResponseCode()
Returns number HTTP response code
Part of ComputerCraft


As of ComputerCraft 1.63, you can optionally set custom headers. This also means that you can override default headers such as the User-Agent.

Grid paper.png  Example
Sends a request to with the custom headers.
local headers = {
  ["User-Agent"] = "A custom user-agent!", -- Overrides the default User-Agent.
  ["Hi"] = "Hello" -- A non-standard custom header field.
http.get("", headers)