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Revision as of 04:55, 2 April 2012 by Hawk777 (Talk | contribs) (document distance-to-sender return)

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Grid Redstone.png  Function rednet.receive( timeout )
Waits till timeout or another computer send a message to this computer. (see rednet.broadcast( message ) and rednet.send( receiverID, message ). To get the id from a computer see os.computerID(). In case a Timeout occurs the return id and message are set to nil
Syntax rednet.receive( timeout )(A number representing the seconds to wait or leave empty to wait unlimited)
Returns a tuple where the first value is the sending computer’s id, the second is the message, and the third is the distance in metres to the sender (or nil if using redpower bundled cable instead of a modem)
Part of ComputerCraft
API rednet


Grid paper.png  Example
waits unlimited till someone sends a message to this computer and displays it
senderId, message, distance = rednet.receive()