Disk (API)

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If you were looking for the item, please see Floppy Disk.

The Disk API allows you to interact with disk drives. These functions can operate on locally attached or remote disk drives. To use a locally attached drive, specify “side” as one of the six sides (e.g. “left”); to use a remote disk drive, specify its name as printed when enabling its modem (e.g. “drive_0”).

Grid disk.png   Disk (API)

ReturnMethod NameDescription
{{Type|boolean} present disk.isPresent(string side) Checks whether any item at all is in the disk drive.
{{Type|boolean} disk disk.hasData(string side) Checks whether the current disk is a floppy disk, as opposed to a music disc or other item.
{{Type|string} path, or nil disk.getMountPath(string side) Finds the directory name on the local computer where the contents of the Floppy Disk currently inserted in the drive can be found.
nil disk.setLabel(string side, string label) Writes a label to the floppy disk, which can be read with disk.getLabel and viewed in the item tooltip.
{{Type|string} label disk.getLabel(string side) Reads the label from the disk in the drive.
{{Type|int} id disk.getID(string side) Returns a number which uniquely identifies the disk in the drive and which is the name of the directory in the world’s computer/disk directory containing the disk’s data.
{{Type|boolean} audio disk.hasAudio(string side) Checks whether the current disk is a music disk, as opposed to a floppy disk or other item.
{{Type|string} title disk.getAudioTitle(string side) Reads the title of the audio track from the music record in the drive.
nil disk.playAudio(string side) Starts playing the music record in the drive.
nil disk.stopAudio(string side) Stops the music record in the drive from playing, if it was started with disk.playAudio.
nil disk.eject(string side) Ejects any item currently in the drive, spilling it into the world as a loose item.