Key (event)

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Revision as of 23:18, 5 May 2013 by Hawk777 (Talk | contribs) (Add note about scan codes; note escape is not seen; remove needswork banner as an example has, in fact, been added earlier)

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Grid Modem.png  Event key
Fired when any key except Escape is pressed while the terminal is focused.
Returned Object 1 The numerical key value of the key pressed

Grid paper.png  Example
Print each key pressed on the keyboard whenever a key event is fired. Use Ctrl+T (Windows) to terminate the loop.
while true do
  event, scancode = os.pullEvent("key")
  print(tostring(scancode).." was pressed.")
Output Any key that is pressed.

Key scan codes

Click for a larger copy of this image - contains keys and their event numbers.

These scan codes are also available as constants in the keys API, and can be translated from numerical codes to strings using keys.getName.