Redstone (API)

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Revision as of 01:35, 9 May 2013 by TheOriginalBIT (Talk | contribs) (Added a note for the functions that were added in CC1.51 stating that it can only be used in CC1.51 and above)

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The Redstone API contains methods to control attached RedPower cables/bundled cables and regular redstone. All methods from the redstone API can also be called using "rs", which points to the same library. For example, instead of redstone.getSides(), rs.getSides() can be used. Refer to the Colors API for more information on interacting with RedPower's bundled cables.

Grid disk.png   Redstone (API)

Method NameDescription
redstone.getSides() Returns a table of possible sides.
redstone.getInput(string side) Returns the current redstone input signal state on side.
redstone.setOutput(string side, boolean value) Sets or resets a redstone signal on side.
redstone.getOutput(string side) Returns the current redstone output signal on side.
redstone.getAnalogInput(string side) (Requires CC1.51 and above) Returns the current redstone input signal strength on side. If no input is present, returns 0. If a redstone source (such as a redstone torch or block) is directly adjacent to the computer, returns 15.
redstone.setAnalogOutput(string side, number strength) (Requires CC1.51 and above) Sets or resets a redstone signal on side to strength (where strength is a positive integer).
redstone.getAnalogOutput(string side) (Requires CC1.51 and above) Returns the current redstone output signal strength on side.
redstone.getBundledInput(string side) Returns the state (as a number) of a RedPower bundled cable connected to side.
redstone.getBundledOutput(string side) Returns the set of RedPower wires in the RedPower bundled cable which are being activated by the terminal on side.
redstone.setBundledOutput(string side, number colors) Sets one or multiple colored signals in a RedPower bundled cable attached to side. colors will determine which signals are activated. In order to set multiple signals, add the color values of the colors you want to activate. To turn off all of the colors, use 0.
redstone.testBundledInput(string side, number color) Returns true if color is active in a RedPower bundled cable attached to side. Else, returns false.