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Grid Redstone.png  Function parallel.waitForAny
Lets you run multiple functions at the same time, alternating between them until any happen to finish. Note that it takes function names as parameters (eg "function1", "function2", etc), as opposed to function calls (eg "function1()", "function2()", etc).

The functions are not actually executed simultaniously, but rather this API will automatically switch between them whenever they yield (eg whenever they call coroutine.yield(), or functions that call that - eg os.pullEvent() - or functions that call that, etc - basically, anything that causes the function to "pause").

Each function executed in "parallel" gets its own copy of the event queue, and so "event consuming" functions (again, most anything that causes the script to pause - eg sleep(), rednet.receive(), most of the turtle API, etc) can safely be used in one without affecting the event queue accessed by the other.
Syntax parallel.waitForAny(function1, function2, so on)
Returns A number indicating which function completed based on argument order
Part of ComputerCraft
API parallel


Grid paper.png  Example
Tells the computer to run function1 and function2 at the same time. Will broadcast what the user enters or prints what it receives over rednet, depending on what happens first.
function1 = function()  -- Define function1.
 print (rednet.receive())

function function2()  -- Define function2.
 rednet.broadcast (read())

parallel.waitForAny (function1, function2)  -- Run both functions in parallel until one finishes.
Output Either it prints what it received via rednet, or it broadcasts the message the user typed.