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Metatables allow us to change the behavior of a table. For instance, using metatables, we can define how Lua computes the expression a+b, where a and b are tables. Whenever Lua tries to add two tables, it checks whether either of them has a metatable and whether that metatable has an __add field. If Lua finds this field, it calls the corresponding value (the so-called metamethod, which should be a function) to compute the sum.

Setting and getting a metatable

You will use setMetatable and getMetatable to set and get metatables.

You use getMetatable(table) to get your metatable from a table. It will return the __metatable metafield in the table.

setMetatable(table, metatable) to set your table's metatable. It will error if the __metatable metafield is set.

However, if the table has a metatable with the metafield __metatable, it will error when you use setMetatable and return what it is set to when getMetatable is called.


A metamethod is a type of function which changes the default way a table acts. The table below demonstrates what each one is called, and how each one is used.

Name Description Arguments passed
__index Used when table[variable] is called. The variable.
__newindex Used like __index, but it is only called when the variable matches an empty space in the table. The variable.
__call A metamethod to turn a table's name into a function, or whatever you want it to do. Function, Tuple
__metatable Used for protecting metatables, called when getmetatable() is used on the table, setmetatable() just errors. Nothing (as far as Unit158 knows)
__mul Used as an operator overloader for multiplication. The two objects being "multiplied".
__div Used as an operator overloader for division. The two objects being "divided".
__sub Used as an operator overloader for substraction. The two objects being "subtracted".
__add Used as an operator overloader for addition. The two objects being "added".
__mod Used as an operator overloader for modulo. The two objects being "divided".
__pow Used as an operator overloader for exponentiation operation. The two objects being exponentiated.
__unm I am not exactly sure how this one works, it is for negatives though. The table being changed into a negative.
__eq __eq is an operator overloader for comparison. The two objects being compared
__lt Less than. The two objects being compared
__le Less than or equal to. The objects being compared
__concat The objects being concatenated The two objects being concatenated
__len The # operator. The object having the operation performed on it.


Grid paper.png  Example
Use __eq to check if two tables are equal
table1 = {x=0, y=1, z=0}
table2 = {x=1, y=1, z=0}
metatable = {__eq = function(operand1, operand2, type)
if operand1.x == operand2.x and operand1.y == operand2.y and operand1.z then --Note: In reality you might want to first check if your these variables actually exist
    return true
    return false
end }
setmetatable(table1, metatable)
setmetatable(table2, metatable)
if table1 == table2 then
    print("Not equal")

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