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Ionuţ Andrei Hava (AndyAndreiH)


Hello and welcome on my page! My name is Andrei, but most people call me Andy. I am a Romanian programmer and a pioneer in ComputerCraft and LUA programming. I am 14 (fourteen) years old and programming is my "freetime job", if I could call it that. Scripting and Developing programs has been a passion ever since I was 11 (eleven) and I slowly started to learn more and more programming languages. Currently, I can program in: C, C++, C#, .NET, HTML, CSS, PHP and a little bit of LUA and Python. I learn on the go, so you will never see me reading books about different programming languages. I currently focus on Web Development (HTML, CSS and PHP), but sometimes I do program in other languages.

ComputerCraft Products

Operating Systems




You'd like to contact me? Here are some methods:

Skype™: xbaguvixxproductions (Andy.)

Yahoo! Messenger: hava.ionut(

My Talk page: User talk:AndyAndreiH