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You may be looking for alternative OSes for ComputerCraft. If so, go to the list of OSes.

The Operating System API allows for interfacing with the Lua based Operating System itself.

Method name Description
os.version() Returns version
os.computerID() Returns the ID of the computer
os.run( environment, programpath, arguments ) <no description given>
parallel.waitForAll( function1, function2, so on) Waits for all of the functions to complete.
os.loadAPI( name ) Loads the API given.
os.unloadAPI( name ) Unloads it.
os.pullEvent() <no description given>
os.queueEvent() <no description given>
os.clock() Returns CPU time.
os.startTimer( timeout ) <no description given>
os.sleep( timeout ) Makes the system wait before continuing in the program.
os.time() Returns MineCraft time.
os.setAlarm( time ) <no description given>
os.shutdown() Turns off the computer.
os.reboot() Reboots the computer.