Pocket Computer

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Pocket Computer
Pocket Computer Large.png
Data value4105
Damage valueNormal: 0
Advanced: 1
Namespaced IDcomputercraft:pocketComputer

Pocket Computers, added in 1.6, are computers than are held as an inventory item, allowing you to use them on the move. To use a Pocket Computer, hold it in your hand and press the "use" key (this is a right-click by default). Both advanced and standard versions are available. It is also possible to craft Pocket Computers with wireless modems built in, which allows you to control your machines from anywhere or even open doors for you without having to do anything! The modem is attached to the back of the Pocket Computer, so to use it, wrap it with peripheral.wrap( "back" ).

When removing from your inventory (dropping, moving in to chest, etc) the computer will stay on for 3-4 seconds. After that time it will turn it self off, you will not lose any data.

If the computer your program is running on is a Pocket Computer 'pocket' will be a blank table. For example, to check if your program is running on Pocket Computer do:

if pocket then
    print('Running on a Pocket Computer')
    print('Running on a standard Computer')

Pocket Computers have a resolution of 26 pixels/characters horizontally by 20 pixels/characters vertically.


Pocket Computer
Grid stone.png
Grid stone.png
Grid stone.png
Grid stone.png
Grid Golden Apple.png
Grid stone.png
Grid Pocket Computer.png
Grid stone.png
Grid glass pane.png
Grid stone.png
Advanced Pocket Computer
Grid Gold Ingot.png
Grid Gold Ingot.png
Grid Gold Ingot.png
Grid Gold Ingot.png
Grid Golden Apple.png
Grid Gold Ingot.png
Grid Advanced Pocket Computer.png
Grid Gold Ingot.png
Grid glass pane.png
Grid Gold Ingot.png
Wireless Pocket Computer
Grid Modem.png
Grid Pocket Computer.png
Grid Wireless Pocket Computer.png
Advanced Wireless Pocket Computer
Grid Modem.png
Grid Advanced Pocket Computer.png
Grid Advanced Wireless Pocket Computer.png


Hold the Pocket Computer in your hands then right click. To turn it off type 'shutdown' in to the shell.

Pocket Computers also come with a special program, falling, a Tetris game by GopherAtl.


1.6Added Pocket Computers.
Added Advanced Pocket Computers.
1.77/1.78Can be mounted in Disk Drives.


Grid Redstone.pngComputerCraft Blocks and Items
Grid paper.png  Blocks
 Iso Computer.png  Computer Iso Advanced Computer.png  Advanced Computer Iso Command Computer.png  Command Computer Iso DiskDrive.png  Disk Drive
 Iso Monitor.png  Monitor Iso Advanced Monitor.png  Advanced Monitor Iso Printer.png  Printer Grid turtle.png  Turtle
 Grid Modem.png  Wireless Modem Grid Ender Modem.png  Ender Modem Grid Wired Modem.png  Wired Modem Grid Networking Cable.png  Networking Cable
Grid paper.png  Items
 Grid Pocket Computer.png  Pocket Computer Grid Advanced Pocket Computer.png  Advanced Pocket Computer Grid disk.png  Floppy Disk Grid printed page.png  Printed Page
 Grid printed pages.png  Printed Pages Grid printed book .png  Printed Book