Cobble Generator
Run Loop: while true do
If: if a==b then
Action: turtle.dig()
Var: a = turtle.getItemCount(1)
Print: Print("Cobble Farm")
For: for i=1,16 do
First, you have to make a loop so the machine keeps running:
while true do 'Command end
Now, inside of the loop, you have to add something to detect the block:
while true do if turtle.detect() then 'Command end end
After that, the block must be mined:
while true do if turtle.detect() then turtle.dig() end end
This detects if a block is present, and then mines it. However, when all the 16 block spaces are filled with blocks, they must be dropped to collect new blocks:
while true do if turtle.detect() then turtle.dig() end itemcount = turtle.getItemCount(16) if itemcount == 64 then 'Drop all stacks end end
Not that it may not be a good idea to drop all stacks on the ground. To drop all stacks, another loop must be added:
while true do if turtle.detect() then turtle.dig() end itemcount = turtle.getItemCount(9) if itemcount == 64 then for i=1,16 do 'Select each stack and then drops it end end end
To select each stack and drop it, a and a turtle.drop() must be added:
while true do if turtle.detect() then turtle.dig() end itemcount = turtle.getItemCount(16) if itemcount == 64 then for i=1,16 do turtle.drop() end end end
Advanced Generator
This is the generator I created (for use with (height:4 width:2) monitor):
function counter() local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 return i end end function modStr(num) if num < 10 then return "0" .. num else return num end end while true do if turtle.detect() then turtle.dig() term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) local total = 0 for i=1,16,1 do total = total + turtle.getItemCount(i) end for i=1,16,1 do print("Row " .. i .. ": " .. turtle.getItemCount(i) .. " (" .. math.floor((turtle.getItemCount(i)/total)*100) .. "%)") end print("Total: " .. total) print("-----------------") local iterator = counter() print(" ___ ___ ___ ") print("|" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |") print("|___|___|___|") print("|" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |") print("|---|---|---|") print("|" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |" .. modStr(turtle.getItemCount(iterator())) .. " |") print("|___|___|___|") print(" ") print("-----------------") print("Cobble Farmer") end totalcount = turtle.getItemCount(16) if totalcount == 64 then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) print("Dropping Stacks") print("...Please wait.") sleep(1) for i=1,16 do turtle.drop() end end end