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Revision as of 18:08, 2 December 2012 by AfterLifeLochie (Talk | contribs) (Both pairs and ipairs will iterate hidden files.)

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Grid Redstone.png  Function fs.list
Returns a list of all the files contained in a directory, in table format
Syntax fs.list(string path)
Returns table list of files and folders in path, which must be a directory
Part of ComputerCraft
API fs


Grid paper.png  Example
Displays a list of all files and folders in the root directory of a computer
local FileList = fs.list("") --Table with all the files and directories available

for _, file in ipairs(FileList) do --Loop. Underscore because we don't use the key, ipairs so it's in order
  print(file) --Print the file name
end --End the loop
Output A list of all files and folders in the root directory as a table. Note that fs.list() could also be inserted directly into ipairs() or pairs().