Main Page
From ComputerCraft Wiki
Revision as of 22:05, 6 July 2013 by AfterLifeLochie (Talk | contribs) (Typo - remove incorrect apostrophe)
Download ComputerCraft | Tutorial List | Program List | API List |
Recipe List | Peripherals & Addons | Notable Programs | Operating Systems |
ComputerCraft Changelog | Wiki Todo | Wiki Discussion | Editor Access |
Latest Version
Latest: ComputerCraft 1.79 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (download) |
ComputerCraft 1.78 for Minecraft 1.8.9 (download) |
ComputerCraft 1.76 for Minecraft 1.8 (download) |
ComputerCraft 1.75 for Minecraft 1.7.10 (download) |
ComputerCraft 1.74 for Minecraft 1.7.10 (download) |
ComputerCraft 1.73 for Minecraft 1.7.10 (download) |
Some examples of the many powerful uses of ComputerCraft are:
Password locks for doors without complicated redstone | Making a user control system for computer users |
The use of Turtles to mine | Piston doors |
Using a Computer to control your TNT Cannons | Make a Turtle Lumberjack |
Using Computers as a jukebox or even as a DJ | Turtle powered Cobble Generator |
Computer-Powered Adventure Maps | Using a Computer outfitted with Minepedia for Minecraft help in-game |
Epic games and RPGs | Make a turtle dance |
...and much, much more - so why not get started! |
ComputerCraft History
April 1, 2016
- ComputerCraft 1.79 is released for Minecraft 1.8.9.
January 15, 2016
- ComputerCraft 1.77 - 1.78 is released for Minecraft 1.8.9.
December 24, 2015
- ComputerCraft 1.76 is released for Minecraft 1.8.
December 4, 2015
- ComputerCraft 1.75 is released as a final bug fix update for Minecraft 1.7.10.